05 oktober 2007

"And he stutters"

Med den gemensamma titeln And he stutters visar Håkan Rehnberg en serie skulpturer gjorda i glas, stål och aluminium tillsammans med målningar ur serien Fading, på Galleri Nordenhake, Stockholm.

Rehnberg’s sculptures reflect ideas about architecture. The viewer’s body meets the sculpture in its reflection on the glass whilst the surrounding architecture is drawn into the work. The title And he stutters addresses the work’s personal, verbal and semiotic aspects. Fragments of words are repeated. The stuttering draws out time resulting in something else formed in the resulting space. The sculptures and paintings develop an interdependence through the artist’s aesthetic practice. Each stroke of paint is clearly defined on the plexi surface in the same way that each element in the sculptures reveals traces of its function.

Utställningen pågår fram till och med den 3 november.


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