06 april 2008

Where do YOU go next?

Hur ser det verkligen ut bakom turistbyråernas glänsande broschyrer och annonser med förledande landskap och romantiserande vyer? Bakom vårt sökandet efter det perfekta äventyret?

På det ideella galleriet och bokshopen Bookworm ställer Nguyen Thu Ha ut sin installation "Where do YOU go next?".

Ha om sin installation:
"For many countries Tourism offers enormous economic benfits. To attract tourists and their money they have to explore marketing avenues...advertise cheap airfares, luxury resorts, Eco tourism, World heritage listings, historical sites, use mulit media to seduce with images etc, etc, etc...but once there the tourist might begin to be see other realities and come to understand what lies beyond the brochures and their digitally brushed images. They might begin to understand the living culture, look past the scenery into the lives of the inhabitants."


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