25 oktober 2007

The City as an Arena

The City as an Arena var rubriken på IASPIS Umeå heldags-seminarium på REX.

What can architecture and art do with public spaces?

Contemporary art is often socially critical. Art as an object – reduced only to its beauty – is something artists more and more have come to doubt.
Instead art now asks questions and takes part in the political debate. The issue is no longer form - but content. Is architecture going the same way? Is it about organization and planning, or does it, like art, challenge us and pose questions?

Contemporary art and architecture are now approaching each other. Artist-initiated projects increasingly take place in architectural spaces. Likewise, the architecture of today often has a conceptual approach, where the content and the idea behind the building is as important as the design. Like art, the architecture of today functions as a conveyor of meaning for our contemporary social debate.
In this seminar we hope to investigate the new roles of art and architecture and what they together can achieve.

Dr. Brigitte Franzen först ut med en föreläsning om Skulptur Projekt Munster 2007 som hon curerade tillsammans med Prof. Kasper König.

Differentiated Neighbourhoods of New Belgrad var titeln på Zoran Erics föreläsning. Zoran arbetar till vardags som curator på Museum of Modern Art i Belgrad.

Efter lunch var det arkitekten Vesa Honkonen att under rubriken A space between berätta personlig reflektioner kring olika projekt han drivit.

Avslutningsvis Prof. Ingo Vetter, Konsthögskolan Umeå. Functional sculpture - about the different use of public art.

Ett samarrangemang mellan Bildmuseet, IASPIS, Konsthögskolan Umeå, Museum Anna Nordlander, Kulturförvaltningen Umeå kommun och Verkligheten.


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